Monday, May 28, 2007

Commuter Rail Naysayers: A Lot of Talk ... Not Much Substance

According to an article in the Fall River Herald News, shockingly, there are some who don't think commuter rail will ever happen!
Not everyone is convinced.

Critics say that, coming off the nearly $14.8 billion Big Dig and faced with a crumbling transportation infrastructure, the last thing the state can afford is a pricey new commuter rail line.

And at the Statehouse, some lawmakers are pushing for a moratorium on all future MBTA rail expansions, including the New Bedford project.

"Rather than promising the people of New Bedford and Fall River that we are going to be spending a billion-four, the priority of the administration should be making sure the bridges and roads we have right now are drivable and useable," said Senate Republican Leader Richard Tisei, R-Wakefield.

So let me get this straight ... because one Republican State Senator (out of the five total) is against the proposed plan -- it's practically dead in the water?

Wait! There's more ...

Michael Widmer, president of the business-backed
Massachusetts Taxpayers Foundation, sits on the transportation panel that came up with the report. The panel is currently working on a second part of the report, which could include recommendations for coming up with the needed revenue, such as a hike in the gas tax.

Widmer said the notion that additional tax revenues from new developments along the commuter rail route could pay for the project is a stretch.

That's right folks ... The Massachusetts Taxpayer Foundation ... the group even fellow conservatives call "representers of Tax Profiteers -- businesses that feed at the public trough. Businesses who benefit from High Taxes, High Spending, and Big Government Programs. Special Interests."

Perhaps MTF is worried their benefactors won't get as much bang for their buck -- if state funds aren't directed their way? That aside ...

Do these two powerful entities -- the Republican State Senate Leader (can you really be a "leader" if you're only "leading" four other people?) and Mike Dukakis' former press secretary REALLY bring down the largest economic development plan in the history of the Commonwealth?

Nah ...

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