Monday, May 28, 2007

Bill O'Reilly ... Useful Idiot or Dangerous Moron?

Like many thinking Americans, Bill O'Reilly annoys the crap out of me. Some days the reasons are easier to identify than others. However, it's my good fortune that BO has given me plenty of ammo over the years. Take his last column for example:

If you believe ‘Bush lied’ get some help, America hater (OR) Seek help if you believe ‘Bush lied’

"Jane Fonda, Rosie O’Donnell and the other irresponsible America haters should be ashamed of themselves. I mean, is there a rational person on earth who believes President Bush, Prime Minister Blair and Secretary of State Colin Powell purposely lied to the world in order to remove Saddam Hussein? If you believe that, you need to see somebody. "

See ... if you disagree with BO and his fellow conservatives, you're automatically an America Hater. In fact, your psychologically damaged and need to seek help immediately!

It's my contention that if you still believe this war is a good idea -- and you're still investing your full faith and trust in the Bush Administration -- you must be either suffering from a delusionary disorder -- or have disconnected with reality entirely. Luckily, I have the same psychological qualifications to make such an assessment as Dr. O'Reilly does.

The fact of the matter is, evidence points to the fact that the Bush Administration did selectively present information to Congress and the United Nations to prove their assertion that Saddam Hussein needed to be "taken care of". All born out of a grudge festering in a neo-con think-tank in the 90's. (See Project for the New American Century)

The other question that must be answered is why Bill O'Reilly's opinion is somehow more important or worthy than that of Rosie O'Donnell or Jane Fonda. During her run on the View -- and her own successful midday talk program -- Rosie O'Donnell reached more people on a daily basis than the O'Reilly Factor does in an entire week. Does than make her opinion more valid? Of course not. But according to Bill -- he's got the final say-so.

There's nothing more un-American than telling someone else their opinion is invalid -- simply because they choose to question and demand answers -- holding our government accountable for it's mistakes. And if there's anything that has proven to be a mistake -- it's this war.

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